Title: Earthen Embrace Author: jaune_chat Fandom: Heroes Characters/Pairings: Samuel/Claire Rating: NC-17 Wordcount: 947 Spoilers: Up through 4x9 “Shadowboxing” Warnings: Het, D/s, bondage of a sort, PWP Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC et al. A/N: Written for the Sullivan Bros. Carnival Kink Meme for the prompt: "Claire can't help but have
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Title: Some Enchanted Evening Pairings or Characters: Sylar/Lydia Rating: NC-17 Genre: Het Wordcount: 4400ish Warnings: SMUT SMUT AND MORE SMUT and spoilers up through Season 4 and episode: Tabula Rasa Notes: What happened after Sylar and Lydia left the family table and went back to her trailer.
Title: Rivalry Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Edgar/Sylar Summary: Everyone wants this to happen. It happens. Warnings: Spoilers for season 4, guy/guy sex, snarkiness, violence, swearing.